Saturday, March 21, 2009

Last Day With the Girls....

This is my last post about the Purty Thirty girls week. So sad. Our last day in the City was all about Martha. Yes, I've only lived in New York for four months, and I've already been to the Martha show twice. No, I'm not a Martha junkie, but it is fun!!

Marcia Cross , from Desperate Housewives, was the featured guest, and she and Martha made the cutest felt hats for kids. Adorable!! Martha made Irish soda bread, and then there was a segment on Richard Gere's new restaurant in Bedford, NY called The Bedford Post. It was a great show, and Martha seemed to be in a much better mood than the last show I went to (which isn't saying much).

We ended the day at the Plaza Hotel for drinks. We decided to end the trip having a Manhattan in Manhattan. We really should have looked at the ingredients first, because we quickly realized that bourbon is not our favorite. But at $20 a pop, we finished them. We should have ordered a Cosmopolitan which is much yummier.

We sat there for well over an hour, so I guess $20 was alright for sitting in such a beautiful hotel!

Don't you love our beautiful manicures?

1 comment:

Puva said...

Love the last picture!