Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Preview: Kinch Family

The Kinch family is probably the easiest family to photograph ... ever! Here's what I love. I honestly never have to give ANY direction. They just start interacting with each other. Talking, laughing, and just having fun. It makes my job that much easier. Plus, it's hard to take a bad picture of these kids.

We've done a number of sessions in the past, but we've never done a session at their home. As you can see, their home is ADORABLE in downtown Castle Rock. They're in the midst of a pretty major renovation and addition on the back, which you never know from looking at the front. Isn't this the greatest family photo? I love it!

We jetted over to the Feed & Seed store before the afternoon rains and winds came, and I'm glad we did!

Thanks Kinch family for another great session, and thanks for continuing to ask me back! It's amazing that the first time I took your pictures, J was only 6 months old!

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