Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day Activities

Happy Valentine's Day to all! I hope you have had a great day with the ones you love. Here are a few things around my house to keep us in the Valentine spirit....

After a yummy breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes, we piled in the car and headed to a trail I discovered one day with the kids. The only thing is that it starts in a cemetery that dates back to the 1700's. Is it weird to have your kids run around a cemetery? I don't know, but they sure had fun on the trail!

The afternoon included a trip to the library for the Valentine's cupcake decorating festivities and Valentine's Day story time. Ava had so much fun decorating her cupcake, and we certainly enjoyed eating it after dinner tonight.

1 comment:

Puva said...

Beautiful (: Life in NY sounds like fun!