Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day

Happy Inauguration Day! What a crazy looking scene on TV. About 1.4 million people on the Mall. Incredible sight for sure.

We braved the cold today as well, but not in Washington. We headed out in the stroller to the library. Crazy? Yes. It's 19 degrees outside. But we trudged on, and had a great morning.

And yes, this beautiful building in the background is our library.

One of my favorite things about our library are these baskets filled with picture books that you don't have to worry about figuring out where on the shelves your child pulled them from!!! The kids and I spent at least 45 minutes sitting and reading books.

And then we came home, and ate lunch in front of the inauguration. Ava danced while Aretha Franklin sang, and she waved goodbye to President Bush and asked a lot of questions about President Obama. She was excited to see his girls and thought is was really cool they get to live in the White House! It is a historic day in America, and I am excited that my kids, no matter how much they actually remember, were able to sit and watch the events on today.

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