Friday, December 4, 2009

All I wanted for my birthday.... Jude Law on Broadway in Hamlet.

My oh-so-tricky husband gave me my present at breakfast...which was an apple slicer and potato peeler. NICE!!!

But that was from the kids.

Then he gave me Hamlet tickets!!!! Oh, I love him (Wade, that is).

Since Mom and Emma are in town, we had built in babysitters and Wade took me out to dinner at Celsius in Bryant Park. This restaurant only pops up (literally) once a year at Christmas when the park installs an ice skating rink over the grassy park.

The park was beautifully lit with Christmas lights, there was Christmas music on the ice rink, and all the Christmas craft stalls were set up and open. Our table was right up against the windows and we looked down onto the ice rink. GORGEOUS!!! It was one of THOSE New York moments.

It's just amazing that in a few short weeks, all this will be taken down and Bryant Park will be back to normal.

And true to our tradition, I like to take pictures of our food. It was soooo yummy. I had a salad and Wade had steak and fries. For dessert, I had chocolate molten cake a la mode, and Wade had chocolate chip cookies a la mode. Although those cookies had NOTHING on the ones he and his Mom make.

After strolling hand in hand through all the craft vendor stalls, we made our way over to Times Square to see Jude.

His performance was unbelievable as Hamlet and I walked out of that theater emotionally drained from watching the 120% he puts into that role. Not to mention it was 11pm, and WAY past my bedtime.

So Wade, thank you for making my 35th so memorable. I wouldn't want to spend my birthday with anyone but you. I love you.

P.S. I love my apple slicer too. :)


Ryan and Janeen said...

Forget the food ... how yummy is Jude Law?! Lucky!
Happy Birthday!!

SweetP91 said...

Good job, Wade! What a very NY way to spend a birthday. I can't believe they set up that place just for the winter. It looks like a permanent building.