Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jelly Bellys

...make me happy.

And I don't think I realized it until we went to Dylan's Candy Bar after our morning at Alice's Tea Cup.

Dylan Lauren (daughter of Ralph Lauren) opened up the Candy Bar in 2001 to bring her love affair with candy and art to life. It's a pretty cool story, and you can read it on their website.

Dylan's was ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY UNDOUBTEDLY Audrey's #1 choice on her NYC to do list. She has been talking about it for weeks and been saving her spending money for a candy spree at Dylan's. I don't think it disappointed.

So if you like candy, want to walk on candy covered floors, and pay a visit to your dentist, go to Dylan's!!

P.S. I really should have used a flash or changed my white balance or something because the lighting was really not great! So sorry for the yellowish tinted images.

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