Friday, January 16, 2009

Our Little Gymster

One of the problems with living in NY in the winter is that is it sooooo cold. So when it's 11 degrees outside, what do you do with two little kids? It's been hard to feel a little cooped up, so we've taken lots of afternoon drives and we frequent the library a lot. We even braved the cold this afternoon and took Presta to the park and we lasted all of 20 minutes!

One of the indoor things we have found is a gym class for Ava and a bunch of other 3 year olds. My little girl who didn't walk until 18 months and likes to trip over her own feet is learning (and loving) her team sports gym class!!

1 comment:

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Hi Kristen!

I'm Lisa, a friend of Joanne's. I can't even imagine how you cope with that bitter cold. My instinct would be to cocoon until Spring!

Just wanted to say hi and tell you your photography is beautiful!

Here's a prayer it warms up soon..:)
