We decided on a little adventure today and drove into Brooklyn. It was SOOOOOOO cold today and the forecast called for snow flurries in the morning, turning into a lot of snow and ice in the afternoon/evening. They weren't wrong.
So we headed to Brooklyn Heights (the Huxtable Family neighborhood) to take a walk on the Promenade and check out the lower Manhattan skyline.
When we came out here house hunting, my second choice of a place to live was a brownstone in Brooklyn Heights. It was a great space, and we would have had two floors, and an eat-in kitchen with a real brick pizza oven. The upstairs had two bedrooms and a full bath, so it would have been a tight squeeze, but to live in a Brownstone????? A dream. The kicker was that they didn't take dogs, and room for guests would have been a challenge. Ultimately, we are so happy with our decision to live in Rye, and living here makes my daily life easier with the kids than if we had lived in Manhattan or Brooklyn.
I've told Wade that when we're retired and the kids are grown up, I want to move back to NY for one year and either live in the City or in a Brownstone in Brooklyn....or maybe a Brownstone in Manhattan. Just one year. Hopefully our little house in Denver will be paid off by then, so we could live the full city life. Just the two of us. A girl can dream.....
The financial district and the East River. I know I'm not the only one who has lost money here in the last few months. Kris just finished a year of playing in the stock markets full-time, so he's heading into Manhattan with Wade tomorrow and he's going to check out Wall Street and witness first-hand the place where it all happened. (Note he's not doing it anymore).
One thing I love in my living spaces, and in my photography is blending the old with the new. If I described my style, I would call it Modern Vintage. I loved the iPod billboard and the Brooklyn Bridge in background.
The kids were having a blast as they had stroller races the whole down the Promenade. I loved it because it kept my trigger finger free! On your marks, get set....go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We parked on a cul-de-sac right next to the promenade and enjoyed another great picnic lunch in the van. Rather than braving the Manhattan traffic, we decided to check out Coney Island!
The "famous" Nathan's. (I had never heard of Nathan's before, but I saw their hot dogs in Costco the other day...I still prefer Hebrew National. Shhhhh). But I gotta give Nathan's an A+ for their signage!!!
This was a parking lot FULL of school buses. No doubt used to bus in the school kids by the masses when Coney Island is in full swing.
On the WOODEN boardwalk. Super cool. Wish I could run 1 1/2 miles like I used to.
The snow really started coming down and Tyson was running down the boardwalk with his tongue out trying to catch snowflakes! So we've played in sand, we've played in snow, but both together??? It was a first for us.
Loved, loved, loved today.
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