As a photographer and someone who takes a heck of a lot of images, you'd be surprised how few pictures I actually have in my house. Now that we've moved and I have a bit more time on my hands with no clients, I decided to finally start a collection in our upstairs hallway.
Before we moved, and after our house was all packed up, I started finding frames that I loved at flea markets and antique malls. I am so drawn to creamy white frames, and they have to be wood. I love thicker frames that have some sort of interesting detail in them.
I only have four in my collection so far, but I know it will grow. I scoured all my images of the kids and decided on these four. Since old frames are odd sizes, I just cut some scrapbook paper and made my own mattes. I kind of like it! Not to mention cheap.
I didn't pay more than $20 per frame, and most of them didn't have backing, so I cut pieces of a cardboard box, got out my hammer and nails, and added the do-it-yourself wire and screws that you can get at a craft store.

This picture was taken last October at Chuck and Judy's (Wade's aunt and uncle) farm in South Dakota. Ava (and I) fell in love with some of the new barn kittens. Ava loved to help feed them everyday, and we almost brought one home in our suitcase. I really thought about it, but Wade would have killed me. He wasn't able to make that trip and the last thing he would want is for me to bring home an animal just before we moved across the country!!!

This one was taken last June, in Alyeska, Alaska. We went to Alaska for my cousin's wedding, and spent a few days at the ski resort in Alyeska. We rode the gondola to the top and walked around in the snow a bit. I just LOVE this image.

Why do the boys get the big eyes? Well I can't resist Tyson's, and this picture was taken at the Jones Family Farms in Connecticut this last November when we went to cut down our Christmas tree. They had a small barn for kids to play in, and when Tyson started peeking through the window with his big eyes...

This picture is also at Chuck and Judy's farm in South Dakota. The kids were walking hand in hand and surrounded by all the kittens. What better setting could you ask for??? I know someday they won't believe that they actually held hands, so this will be my proof.

So if anyone is garage sale-ing, flea market-ing, antique mall-ing, and you come across some frames you think would fit in my collection...send them my way!!!