WARNING: This post has a lot of pictures and is a bit long, so no offense taken if you just skim through......
I don't know if we'll ever recover from Christmas, and we're still in awe of our family and how blessed we felt on Christmas Day. We haven't had a Christmas without family in all eight years of our marriage, so this one felt a lot different. But thanks to Skype, we felt as close as we could.
So this post is a really a BIG thank you, we LOVE you, and we MISS you to our family. We were (and are) still playing with and admiring all our Christmas goodies, so we thought we'd take some pictures of some of our favorite things. I know I haven't taken pictures of everything, as this post will be long enough.
So family, thank you SO MUCH for all the greetings and gifts and love. The kids LOVE everything and so do we. We love you!
So this first gift is a combo from my Mom and sister. We all love old cards (greeting, flash etc.) and now I have all our names to display in my kitchen. I love it!
This was actually a birthday present from my sister, but it justgot hung in the kitchen in it's permanent spot. Another set of vintage cards....love love love. It says "the city has apartment houses" "the country has farm houses".
This is from my fabulous friend Janna (http://www.mustardseeds.typepad.com/). She has a new matte cutter, and she did a fabulous job! These are pages from vintage golden books (another thing I collect). It's titled "A Year in the City" if you can't read it. It looks great in my kitchen.
Some tea towels from Joanne in my FAVORITE colors....red and blue.
These were from my Mom when they visited, but the kids make sure they each sit on their own while they play with new toys at their play table, so it's kind of like a Christmas present. Ava got the kitty to remind her of the kitty she fell in love with at Uncle Chuck's farm in South Dakota. Since I won't let her have a real one, this one will have to do!
This is my favorite toy organizer (aka shoe organizer) that hangs on the back of the closet door in the play room. All of these things were from various family members, and they have all been used and loved. Princess puzzles, play-doh, dolls, cars, spiderman, baseball mitt and bat, walkie talkies, microphone.....
Tyson is going to love this.....we've had it out once, but we're pacing ourselves!!!
Janna...again. She made these hats for my kids. Wow, I'm so glad there are people in my life that can make things like this for my kids, because I didn't inherit the knitting gene.

We actually bought Tyson the pirate accessories for Mr. Potato Head, and I had to throw this one in because he's just so darn cute. If your kids don't have Mr. Potato Head, I highly recommend it. The kids make some pretty funny creations!
This is a VERY special gift from my Mom. It's Ava's first charm bracelet!! It has her first charm on it with her initials. Our whole family (the girls) have our own charm bracelets, and we add charms every year. I'm glad I get to start this tradition with Ava. Thanks Mom!! It's still too big, so we're keeping it in a safe place until I know it won't be lost.
And now on to books. Golden Books!!!! My fave. So this is one we had as kids, and I've been keeping my eye out for it at flea markets. Mom got it on Amazon, and my kids already love it. It has the greatest illustrations. If you ever run across a copy, pick it up!

We are almost done with Ava's Angelina's collection (because of my collection fettish). We got a copy from the library and then I bought this at our local Rye bookstore.
I picked these up at an antique mall in Denver. You can never have enough Disney.
These were from Joanne. Yeah, more Golden Books!!! I especially love the Cars and Trucks one. There is an amazing illustration of a 50's camper trailer, which is something that is on my wish list. Specifically I would like an Airstream. Maybe next year Santa will bring me one.....
Love it. I know, I'm saying this a lot, but I do!!
Tyson (yes, this is him in Ava's stocking hat....he LOVES to wear it) is loving his train set from Gran and Papa. He sits there and yells "All aboard" and "choo choo"!!

An addition to our Little People collection.
And another one....from cousin's Audrey and Emma. It sounds just like NYC in our house everyday. Yeah us. No, we really do love it.
Gift cards from Starbucks and Kohl's...you can't go wrong!! By the way, the Kohl's card was spent yesterday.
Tyson tries to feed his new Curious George a sandwich. Maybe he should try a banana?? I don't think George likes it.
This is Wade's favorite gift. A baseball hat with built in LED lights....very handy when he's walking upstairs late at night. Thanks Mom and Dad!
A day of shopping at FAO and Barney's?? I think we're going Saturday. Thanks Joanne!
Joanne (yes, she's amazing) made me this tote from super cool NY fabric. I've used it everyday and it's great for holding my camera because it has an over-the-shoulder strap which is awesome when you're trying to push a stroller in the snow or hold a couple little hands.
Brett, I LOVE my boots. I had to bust them out before Christmas because it was raining. These will definitely get lots of use, and you know I love red. You da best.
Amy Jo, did Santa tell you I've been wanting some fingerless gloves?? All the better to take pictures with my dear. I've used these everyday too. Love these too (no surprise there).
Wade got me the Complete Wine Course, and he promised to bring home a different bottle of wine each month. Maybe now I can learn the difference between a good Merlot and cooking wine!!! Long story......
Joanne....again. More zippies, which you cannot have enough of. She sells them, so if you would like one, check out her store at http://thesimplewife.typepad.com/ . Love, love, love!!
Janna....again! This was a birthday present, but I didn't realize it and I opened it Christmas morning. It's a journal that she lined with oilcloth. You guessed it...love, love, love!
Mom and Dad H! How could you find a set of cards that picture two cities that I've been able to live in (or near here in NY)??
This also tops the favorite list. A night of babysitting from our neighbors extraordinaire!!!

Some necklaces from Amy Jo and Joanne! Can never have too much bling.
And some bulky bracelets...
A "snowball" of soap from Anne (Janna's daughter). Check out her blog for the how-to's.
Fisher-Price ornament from Mom. Brings back memories!

Another on top of Wade's list. Narnia in Blu-Ray!!!
Tinker Bell from Gran. I think Ava has already worn it out. I think Tyson has a little crush on Tink too!

And last, but not least....Presta. We didn't get her anything, but at least Grandma and Grandpa didn't forget her!! She's keeps her new rope in her bed usually, and has nearly pulled my arm out a few times. She's in heaven.

So thank you everyone for making our Christmas Day so fun. But mostly we're grateful for having eachother. Even without all these treasures, we would have had a wonderful Christmas just knowing that our family is happy and healthy. Love you all.